MS-SQL Server

JOB 로그의 처리 시간대별 확인하기

안보갑 2009. 11. 19. 18:06
SQL 2005 이상에서 JOB 로그를 바탕으로 언제 시작해서 언제 끝났는지 확인하기 위한 쿼리를 만들어 봤습니다.
비는 시간 잘 찾아서 새로운 JOB을 배치할 때 사용하면 좋을 것으로 예상 합니다. ^^

-- 하루치데이터입력

declare @StartDate datetime, @EndDate datetime, @TmpDate datetime


select @StartDate = '2009-11-18', @EndDate = '2009-11-19'

select @TmpDate = @StartDate


set nocount on


if not exists(select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where name like '#BaseTime%')


    create table #BaseTime(Base datetime)


    while (@TmpDate < @EndDate)


        insert into #BaseTime values(@TmpDate)


        set @TmpDate = dateadd(mi, 10, @TmpDate)




-- JOB 로그를바탕으로각JOB 별실행시간표시

select *

from (    select  a.JOBName, a.RealStartTime, a.Duration, right(convert(char(16), b.Base, 121), 5) as 'DT', '=====' as value

        from    (    select    JOBName, convert(char(15), StartTime, 121) + '0' as StartTime, max(Duration) as Duration

                    ,        dateadd(second, (left(max(Duration), 2) * 3600) + substring(max(Duration), 4, 2) * 60 + right(max(Duration), 2), min(StartTime)) as 'EndTime'

                    ,        min(StartTime) as 'RealStartTime'

                    from (    select as JOBName

                            ,        convert(varchar(19), convert(datetime, convert(char(8), JH.run_date) + ' ' + substring(right('000000' + convert(varchar(6), JH.run_time), 6), 1,2) + ':'

                                                        + substring(right('000000' + convert(varchar(6), JH.run_time), 6), 3,2) + ':' + right('00' + convert(varchar(6), JH.run_time), 2)), 121) as StartTime

                            ,        substring(right('000000' + convert(varchar(6), JH.run_duration), 6), 1,2) + ':' + substring(right('000000' + convert(varchar(6), JH.run_duration), 6), 3,2) + ':'

                                            + right('00' + convert(varchar(6), JH.run_duration), 2) as Duration

                            from            msdb.dbo.sysjobs J with(nolock)

                                inner join    msdb..sysjobhistory JH with(nolock) ON J.job_id = JH.job_id

                            where JH.step_id = 0 and JH.run_status = 1

                        ) as a

                    where StartTime >= @StartDate and StartTime < @EndDate

                      --and JOBName in ('JOB이름')

                      --and JOBName not like '%10%'

                    group by JOBName, convert(char(15), StartTime, 121) + '0'

                ) a

            inner join #BaseTime b with(nolock) on b.Base >= a.StartTime and b.Base < a.EndTime

        where b.Base >= @StartDate and b.Base < @EndDate

        ) as pnt




    for DT in     ( [00:00], [00:10], [00:20], [00:30], [00:40], [00:50]

                , [01:00], [01:10], [01:20], [01:30], [01:40], [01:50]

                , [02:00], [02:10], [02:20], [02:30], [02:40], [02:50]

                , [03:00], [03:10], [03:20], [03:30], [03:40], [03:50]

                , [04:00], [04:10], [04:20], [04:30], [04:40], [04:50]

                , [05:00], [05:10], [05:20], [05:30], [05:40], [05:50]

                , [06:00], [06:10], [06:20], [06:30], [06:40], [06:50]

                , [07:00], [07:10], [07:20], [07:30], [07:40], [07:50]

                , [08:00], [08:10], [08:20], [08:30], [08:40], [08:50]

                , [09:00], [09:10], [09:20], [09:30], [09:40], [09:50]

                , [10:00], [10:10], [10:20], [10:30], [10:40], [10:50]

                , [11:00], [11:10], [11:20], [11:30], [11:40], [11:50]

                , [12:00], [12:10], [12:20], [12:30], [12:40], [12:50]

                , [13:00], [13:10], [13:20], [13:30], [13:40], [13:50]

                , [14:00], [14:10], [14:20], [14:30], [14:40], [14:50]

                , [15:00], [15:10], [15:20], [15:30], [15:40], [15:50]

                , [16:00], [16:10], [16:20], [16:30], [16:40], [16:50]

                , [17:00], [17:10], [17:20], [17:30], [17:40], [17:50]

                , [18:00], [18:10], [18:20], [18:30], [18:40], [18:50]

                , [19:00], [19:10], [19:20], [19:30], [19:40], [19:50]

                , [20:00], [20:10], [20:20], [20:30], [20:40], [20:50]

                , [21:00], [21:10], [21:20], [21:30], [21:40], [21:50]

                , [22:00], [22:10], [22:20], [22:30], [22:40], [22:50]

                , [23:00], [23:10], [23:20], [23:30], [23:40], [23:50])

) as pvt

order by 1, 2


drop table  #BaseTime;